How to Chat Up Thai Women with a 100% Success Rate
It is not so easy to be tagged with title of man with sweet mouth in Thai culture. Thai girls have really high standards when it comes to selection of boys. They are definitely attracted towards Western men because of their hot looks but they still look for courteous and politeness in men. Through dating websites it has become easy and feasible to find Thai women. The first medium of interaction is chatting and texting and the way you chat with her is of significant importance if you want to turn it into a date. This post is to guide you about how to chat with Thai women and get 100% success rate.

Quick and witty response: They like spontaneous reply or in other words they like guys with witty and instant answers. Hence, don’t take so much time in typing out the message and reply her instantly with something which can make her smile. But don’t be too aggressive in your replies! Remember the ground rule: talk sweetly!
Compliment their features: You must have seen her profile picture if you are texting her. So complement on anything that you genuinely like! Don’t do any sexual talks, may be you can talk about her eyes, good looks, hairs, dimple on cheeks etc. They like compliments and hitting on her with the same can get you chance to meet her. If she is getting shy while you praise her, then this means she is into you!
Don’t disappear suddenly: When you are chatting with a Thai woman, don’t just disappear suddenly. If you are busy or occupied then like a gentleman mention to her that you will talk after getting free. She doesn’t like you to chat when you are busy as she prefers to have your whole attention while speaking to her. These are considered to be chatting etiquettes and you should follow these while interacting with her.
Be wary of topics: It might be stimulating and interesting for you to talk about politics, religions and current sensitive topics but you need to find a right person to talk about all these! Thai women are certainly not the right person to talk about all these. Talking about these topics will indirectly mean rejection. So avoid talking on these topics as they don’t sound interesting to them at all! You may talk about Thai culture and learn more about it. Thai women love to talk about their culture in detail.
Choice of words: Thai women are modest and timid; hence you have to be very careful with the choice of your words. Avoid pushing for anything, don’t try to be dominant and make no mistakes; these three are golden advices. Women don’t like people with bossy attitude and thus you would have to understand the fine line between being confident and aggressive. If you would try to be aggressive then they will enter defensive mode which will mess up your conversations completely! So make sure you bring out your funny and loving side in front of them!